The Pleasure Project’s Pleasure Principles & Mama Comes First

Mama Comes First: Embracing the Pleasure Project’s Pleasure Principles

At Mama Comes First, we are committed to integrating the Pleasure Project’s Pleasure Principles into our approach to maternal sexual health and wellness. The Pleasure Project is an international organization dedicated to promoting the importance of pleasure in sexual health education and practice. Founded in 2004, it aims to integrate pleasure and positive experiences into sexual health programs, challenging the often fear-based and negative narratives surrounding sex. By focusing on pleasure, consent, and informed choice, The Pleasure Project works to create a more inclusive and affirming approach to sexual health that empowers individuals to enjoy safe and satisfying sexual experiences. The organization advocates for pleasure-inclusive sex education and collaborates with various stakeholders to influence policies, research, and practices worldwide.

Here is how each Pleasure Principle aligns with our mission:

1. Be Positive

Pleasure Principle: Embrace sex-positivity, emphasizing that when people feel safe, sex can be a beneficial part of their lives.

Mama Comes First: We promote a positive and empowering view of sexual health for mothers. By encouraging moms to explore and enjoy their sexuality without shame or guilt, we help them recognize that pleasure is an essential aspect of overall well-being. We offer resources and support that highlight the benefits of a healthy and enjoyable sex life, tailored to the unique experiences of motherhood.

2. Rights First

Pleasure Principle: Advocate for sexual rights as fundamental human rights, integrating them into all aspects of sexual health.

Mama Comes First: We stand for the rights of mothers to access comprehensive sexual health care and education. This includes advocating for better postnatal care, pelvic floor therapy, and other maternal health services. We believe that every mother has the right to feel empowered and informed about her sexual health, and we work to ensure that these rights are upheld in all aspects of our support and advocacy.

3. Think Universal

Pleasure Principle: Recognize that everyone has the capacity to experience pleasure, and ensure inclusivity across different identities and contexts.

Mama Comes First: We recognize the diverse experiences of mothers from various backgrounds and aim to provide inclusive and accessible resources that cater to all. Our content respects and celebrates different identities, ensuring that every mother feels seen and supported in her journey toward sexual wellness and pleasure.

4. Be Flexible

Pleasure Principle: Adapt to different cultural and contextual nuances, promoting pleasure-based sexual health universally.

Mama Comes First: Understanding that motherhood and sexual health experiences vary widely, we offer flexible and adaptable resources. Whether a mom is navigating postpartum recovery, balancing multiple roles, or exploring new aspects of her sexuality, our support is designed to be relevant and helpful across different contexts and cultures.

5. Talk Sexy

Pleasure Principle: Use pleasure-positive language and communication to effectively share information about sexual health.

Mama Comes First: We prioritize open and positive communication about sexual health, encouraging mothers to talk freely and confidently about their desires and needs. Our resources and discussions are framed in a pleasure-positive language, helping to break down taboos and foster a healthy dialogue about sexuality.

6. Embrace Learning

Pleasure Principle: Stay informed about the growing body of evidence supporting pleasure-positive approaches, and use this knowledge to foster sex-positivity.

Mama Comes First: We are committed to continuous learning and education, both for ourselves and for the mothers we support. We stay updated with the latest research and best practices in pleasure-based sexual health and share this knowledge to help moms make informed and empowered choices about their sexual wellness.

7. Love Yourself

Pleasure Principle: Promote self-love and kindness towards oneself and others, collaborating with other advocates of pleasure-based sexual health.

Mama Comes First: Self-love and self-care are at the heart of our approach. We encourage mothers to embrace their bodies and sexual identities with kindness and compassion. By fostering a community of support and collaboration, we help mothers build self-esteem and confidence in their sexual health journeys.

By aligning with the Pleasure Project’s Pleasure Principles, Mama Comes First is dedicated to creating a positive, inclusive, and empowering environment for mothers to explore and enjoy their sexual health and wellness.


Dawn Moore is the founder of maternal sexual health platform, ‘Mama Comes First’. She is also a Women’s Health & Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Certified Sex Educator, Midwife, and Mom of 4.


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