Mama Comes First Community

A global village of mothers, getting
free and affecting change - together.

When empowered mothers come together, systems of oppression come apart.

Patriarchal capitalism has sold us the lie of individualism, but guess who benefits when mothers are isolated and burnt out? Mm-hmm. It’s time we bring the village back, mamas.

The Mama Comes First Community is for mamas of all stages, backgrounds and identities. By breaking free from shame, silence and stigma, we’re activating our power as mothers to create revolutions - in our own lives, and the wider world.

‘Mama Comes First’ Community Pillars

Hosted on Heartbeat and facilitated by our founder Dawn Moore (Women’s Health & Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Certified Sex Educator, Midwife, and Mom of 4), we combine community with education and advocacy.


A safe space to share and connect, with affinity groups for mothers of all stages, backgrounds and identites.


Resources, events and monthly workshops with experts in the space of motherhood and sexual wellness.


Practical invitations to harness our collective heartbreak and power to create a more just and free world.

No matter how you identify, you belong here.

We’re committed to inclusivity and respects diverse backgrounds, family structures, gender identities and sexual orientations. Our choice to use terms like ‘mother’ alongside gender-neutral language is rooted in a Matricentric Feminist perspective, honoring the history and struggles of ‘mothering’ while also embracing the fluidity of modern identities. Here are some of the affinity groups we have in our community:

TTC Moms

Queer Moms

Toddler Mums

Loss Moms

Single Moms

Young Moms


Pregnant Moms

Adoptive Moms

Postpartum Moms

Widow Moms

Mature Moms


  • We recognize that not all people who give birth and fulfill these roles identify as mothers, and we strive to create a space that acknowledges and celebrates diverse family structures and experiences. Our facilitators are trained to address specific concerns that may arise for LGBTQ+ participants and are sensitive to the preferences and needs of all participants regarding how they identify.

    By using the term "mother" alongside gender-neutral language, we aim to honor the history and struggles of mothering while also embracing the fluidity of modern identities. This approach allows us to discuss and address the unique aspects of postpartum challenges within a framework that respects and uplifts all experiences.

    We encourage participants to share their preferred terms and pronouns with us and the group, ensuring that everyone feels seen, respected, and supported throughout our community.

  • We prioritize privacy and sensitivity in all our sessions. Discussions are conducted in a confidential manner, and we encourage participants to share only what they feel comfortable with. Our facilitators are trained to manage sensitive topics with care and respect for everyone’s experiences and boundaries.

  • The community is hosted on the platform Heartbeat, which you can access both from your laptop and phone. You can join conversations within specific topics and affinity groups. Community workshops and events will usually be hosted on Zoom, and recordings will be added to a library of resources within the platform.